What Is Masking In Audiology

What is masking in audiology? It’s a crucial technique that enhances the accuracy of hearing evaluations by minimizing the interference of unwanted sounds. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the concept, types, and applications of masking, providing you with a deeper understanding of its role in audiological assessments.

Masking is a fascinating aspect of audiology that unveils the complexities of human hearing and its intricate processes. Join us as we explore the world of masking, uncovering its significance and implications for hearing healthcare.

Definition of Masking

Masking in audiology refers to the phenomenon where the perception of one sound is interfered with or obscured by the presence of another sound.

Masking in audiology is a technique used to improve speech perception in noisy environments. It involves presenting a broadband noise or other sound to the ear that is not being tested, in order to reduce the masking effect of the noise on the speech signal.

For a visual representation of how masking works, check out the uil maps graphs and charts . Masking is an important tool for audiologists, as it can help people with hearing loss to better understand speech in difficult listening situations.

Simply put, masking occurs when one sound makes it harder to hear another sound.

Types of Masking: What Is Masking In Audiology

Masking can be categorized into different types based on its characteristics and applications. The two primary types of masking are forward masking and backward masking.

Forward Masking

Forward masking occurs when a brief, high-intensity sound (masker) precedes a weaker sound (target). The masker temporarily elevates the auditory threshold for the target, making it more difficult to hear. This effect is often used in audiological testing to determine the absolute threshold of hearing.

Backward Masking

Backward masking occurs when a masker follows a target sound. In this case, the masker interferes with the processing of the target, making it more difficult to perceive. Backward masking is often used in psychoacoustic experiments to study auditory perception.

Purpose of Masking

Masking is a crucial technique in audiological testing that helps evaluate hearing thresholds accurately. It involves introducing a masking noise into the non-tested ear to minimize the influence of the other ear on the hearing being assessed.

Evaluating Hearing Thresholds

Masking plays a vital role in determining hearing thresholds. By presenting a masking noise in the non-tested ear, the audiologist can prevent sound from reaching that ear and potentially interfering with the hearing being evaluated in the tested ear. This allows for a more precise measurement of the threshold at which the individual can detect sound in the tested ear.

Procedure for Masking

Speech masking audiometry

Masking procedures involve specific steps to ensure accurate and reliable results. The following provides a detailed overview of the step-by-step process for performing masking in audiology.


  • Audiometer
  • Masking device (narrowband or broadband noise)
  • Headphones or insert earphones
  • Calibration equipment


Prior to masking, the audiometer and masking device must be calibrated to ensure accurate sound levels.

Patient Positioning

The patient should be seated comfortably with headphones or insert earphones placed over the ears. The examiner should ensure a proper fit to minimize sound leakage.

Masking Procedure

  1. Determine the hearing threshold of the non-test ear using the appropriate masking noise.
  2. Increase the masking level in 5 dB increments until the threshold of the non-test ear is elevated by 10-15 dB.
  3. Present the test signal to the test ear while maintaining the masking noise in the non-test ear.
  4. Adjust the test signal level until the patient indicates hearing the signal at threshold.
  5. Record the test signal level as the masked threshold.

Interpretation of Masking Results

What is masking in audiology

Masking test results provide valuable insights into the auditory system’s ability to process sound. The patterns observed in masking can indicate various auditory dysfunctions and help guide treatment plans.

The interpretation of masking results involves comparing the masked thresholds with the unmasked thresholds. If the masked threshold is significantly higher than the unmasked threshold, it suggests that the masking noise is interfering with the detection of the signal. This difference between the masked and unmasked thresholds is known as the masking level difference (MLD).

MLD Patterns

  • Normal MLD:The MLD is typically within 10 dB for normal hearing individuals.
  • Increased MLD:An MLD greater than 10 dB may indicate cochlear damage, noise-induced hearing loss, or other auditory disorders.
  • Decreased MLD:An MLD less than 10 dB may suggest recruitment, a condition where the loudness of sounds is perceived as louder than expected.
  • Dip in MLD:A dip in the MLD at specific frequencies may indicate a notch in the hearing threshold, which can be caused by conductive hearing loss or damage to specific cochlear regions.
  • Flat MLD:A flat MLD across all frequencies may suggest a retrocochlear disorder, such as an auditory nerve tumor or brainstem lesion.

The specific pattern of the MLD can help differentiate between different types of hearing loss and auditory disorders, aiding in the accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

Clinical Applications

Masking is an essential tool in audiology for assessing hearing sensitivity and diagnosing various hearing disorders. It involves introducing a controlled sound into the non-tested ear to prevent cross-hearing, ensuring accurate and reliable results.Masking is commonly used in hearing evaluations to:

Pure-tone audiometry

Masking is crucial in pure-tone audiometry, where it helps determine the threshold of hearing in the tested ear by eliminating any residual hearing in the non-tested ear.

Speech audiometry, What is masking in audiology

Masking is also employed in speech audiometry to measure speech reception thresholds and speech discrimination scores. By masking the non-tested ear, it isolates the tested ear and allows for accurate assessment of speech perception abilities.

Differential diagnostics

Masking can aid in differential diagnostics by helping to distinguish between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. By comparing the masked and unmasked thresholds, audiologists can gain insights into the nature and location of the hearing impairment.

Advanced Masking Techniques

What is masking in audiology

Advanced masking techniques extend the capabilities of traditional masking procedures to address more complex auditory phenomena and provide more detailed information about the auditory system.

These techniques employ sophisticated mathematical models and algorithms to analyze and manipulate masking effects, enabling researchers and clinicians to gain deeper insights into auditory processing.

Adaptive Masking

Adaptive masking dynamically adjusts the level and spectrum of the masking noise based on the listener’s responses. This technique is particularly useful for assessing thresholds in fluctuating or difficult-to-mask situations.

Simultaneous Masking

Simultaneous masking presents two or more tones simultaneously to determine the threshold of one tone in the presence of the other. This technique provides information about the frequency selectivity of the auditory system.

Forward and Backward Masking

Forward masking involves presenting a masker before the target tone, while backward masking presents the masker after the target tone. These techniques assess the temporal integration and decay characteristics of the auditory system.

Masking Level Difference (MLD)

MLD is the difference between the threshold of a target tone in quiet and in the presence of a masking noise. It provides an estimate of the amount of masking produced by the noise.

Masking Patterns

Masking patterns represent the threshold shifts of a target tone as a function of the frequency and level of the masking noise. These patterns provide information about the frequency selectivity and level dependence of masking.

Case Studies

What is masking in audiology

Case studies offer valuable insights into the practical application of masking in audiological assessments, demonstrating its utility in various clinical scenarios.

These case studies highlight the diverse range of masking techniques employed to address specific audiological concerns, providing a practical understanding of their diagnostic and management implications.

Case Study 1

A 65-year-old male patient with a history of noise-induced hearing loss presents with complaints of difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments.

Masking was performed using a broadband noise presented to the non-tested ear. The results revealed a significant improvement in speech intelligibility, indicating the presence of cochlear synaptopathy and the need for further evaluation and management.

Case Study 2

A 40-year-old female patient with unilateral hearing loss is being evaluated for a cochlear implant.

Masking was used to assess the patient’s residual hearing in the impaired ear. The results showed that masking the normal-hearing ear significantly improved speech intelligibility in the impaired ear, supporting the candidacy for a cochlear implant.

Key Questions Answered

What is the primary purpose of masking in audiology?

Masking is used to minimize the interference of unwanted sounds, allowing audiologists to accurately determine hearing thresholds.

What are the different types of masking used in audiology?

The main types of masking include narrowband masking, broadband masking, and notched masking, each with its specific characteristics and applications.

How is masking performed in audiological testing?

Masking is typically performed using specialized equipment that generates masking noise, which is presented to the non-test ear to minimize cross-hearing.

What are the clinical applications of masking in audiology?

Masking is widely used in hearing evaluations, such as pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and tinnitus assessment.